By drilling you can make holes with a circular cross section, i.e. drillings into the wood. You can make the drillings for pins or screws, for cutting internal shapes, for making it possible to pass the blade of the coping saw through the wood and, last but not least, for fixing objects. Most people use metal twist drills. These are, however, not perfectly suitable for wood because they tear off the fibres at the edges. Drills suitable for wood have two cutting edges which cut the wood fibres before actual drilling starts. Before the drill bit reaches through, start pressing the drill less hard and put a wooden pad under your workpiece so that the drill bit exiting the workpiece should not damage the wood fibres.
(Wooden (1) and metal drill bits (2))
(Wooden drill bit)
((A) Hand drill (B) Hand cranked drill)
For accurately marking the places of screws or pre-drilling you can use hand gimlets. In the case of very tiny screws with a diameter of less than 2 mm, just prick the wood slightly and the screw will drive into the wood more easily and precisely.
(Hand gimlets)
(Hand cranked drill in use)
(Making a small drilling)
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