What to do in case of injury

Injuries may happen any time, not only while doing woodwork. The injuries suffered during woodwork are primarily cut or puncture injuries, bruises or burns, which are what we will focus on here. If you comply with work safety requirements, you are very likely to avoid accidents. For the case of an injury suffered nevertheless, it is worth being familiar with some first aid rules.

Actions to take in the event of injuries and first aid cases:

Examine the scene of the accident if there are any dangers for the injured or yourself. If there are no dangers, approach the injured.

In order to avoid infecting the injured or getting infected, wear rubber gloves or, lacking those, cover your hand in a plastic bag.

Help the injured into a sitting or lying position. Remove any clothes that prevent treating the wound.

Blood injuries:

Do not use paper towels for treating wounds because they get frayed. If possible use bandage or clean textile.

Wash dirty wounds with clean water only! Avoid using any detergents and clean only around the wound. Use only sterile gauze for removing dirt from the wound.

Use iodine tincture for disinfecting the area around the wound with movements away from the wound. Avoid using it in the case of iodine sensitivity or thyroid disorders. There are other disinfectants, too, some of which can be even applied directly to the wound. If you use any wound disinfectants, follow the use instructions by all means.

In the case of small cuts of, e.g. capillaries, blood oozes from the wounds slowly and usually eases up by itself. If the bleeding does not ease, apply pressure to it using sterile gauze.  Check the wound only in some 5-10 minutes’ time because frequent checking could break up the newly clotted blood.  If necessary, use pre-packed adhesive plaster.

If you cut your artery, the blood spurts out in the pace of your heartbeat. If your varicose veins are injured, blood flows abundantly. Both involve life danger and the immediate application of pressure bandage so as to prevent it. When making the pressure bandage, put mull or gauze sheets on the wound, put a (rolled up) gauze roll on top of that and cover the whole by wrapping a gauze roll around it increasingly tightly. If the bandage bleeds through, place another gauze roll on it and wrap the wound even more tightly. If you do not have any sterile gauze at hand, use clean textile. Avoiding life danger is primary; any potential infections can be treated later on. After treating the wound, call the ambulance immediately!


Bruises usually couple with injuries of the skin surface. In such cases avoid wet wrapping considering the danger of contamination. Give priority to treating the wound. If you suspect fracture or join injuries, consult a doctor!

Burn injuries:

A pyrograph can cause surface burns only; more serious burn injuries are not likely. So as to prevent further damage to the tissue, cool the burnt surface under cold water for 15-20 minutes, then use pre-packed adhesive plaster to protect the wound. Medical assistance is usually not required.

Punctures and foreign body injuries:

Never remove a foreign body from your body cavities or wounds because by doing so you can cause serious secondary injuries! Disinfect the area around the wound, fix the foreign body with a bandage and see a doctor immediately!


If you comply with work safety rules, poisoning is almost excluded. If poisoning occurs nevertheless, it must be established how the poisoning took place, e.g. through the mouth when somebody has drunk chemicals. In most cases you must not make the patient vomit. Read the safety instructions of the chemicals concerned first and decide on whether to make the patient vomit on the basis of the instructions. Poisonous substances can be inhaled through the skin. Aeriform substances can be inhaled through the nose. As a general rule, clean the patient first. Remove the clothes contaminated with chemicals, open the window or take the patient outside to fresh air and make him/her rest. Call a doctor!

Contamination in the eye:

You can easily remove any contaminations from your eyes by flushing your eyes with water. Fill a glass with clean water, bend your head over the glass and blink into the water. You can fill the glass with clean water several times and repeat flushing. If you are unable to remove the contamination or have any doubts, consult an ophthalmologist!

IF YOUR INJURY DOES NOT HEAL, YOU EXPERIENCE HIGH TEMPERATURE OR CHILLS, YOUR WOUND extensively leaks fluid or pus, gives off bad odour or your skin gets swollen and inflamed around the wound, CONSULT A DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY.

General phone numbers:


General emergency:112

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